Amiga Format CD 42
Amiga Format AFCD42 (Issue 126, Aug 1999).iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
263 lines
// ===============================================================
// do the commands
// return 0 = OK, -1 = Quit - otherwise = error code
// call function this way, so that we can also use arexx msgs
// ===============================================================
docommand (LONG com, struct base *bs,
UBYTE *arg0, UBYTE *arg1, UBYTE *arg2, UBYTE *arg3)
struct myhandle *h = NULL;
LONG num, ret = 5; // default - return warn
struct DosLibrary *DOSBase;
struct ExecBase *SysBase;
DOSBase=bs->dosbase; SysBase=bs->sysbase;
switch (com)
case LOAD : // ------- LOAD
if (arg0 && arg1)
{ // see if sample already exists
makeupper (arg1);
if (h = findsample(arg1, bs->toph))
{ Printf ("Sample %s already loaded\n", arg1);
return (5);
if (h = loadsample (arg0, bs))
{ initsample (h, arg1, bs); // in iff.h
ret = 0; // return ok
} }
case UNLOAD : // -------- UNLOAD
// if nothing passed, free all samples
if (!arg0 || !arg0[0])
{ killall (bs);
ret = 0;
else if (h = findsample(arg0, bs->toph))
if ((!h->out1) && (!h->out2)) // if not playing, kill
{ remlink (h);
freehandle (h);
else if (!h->killflag)
{ abortsound (h);
h->killflag = 1; // will be deleted in gcsound.c
ret = 0;
case PLAY : // -------- PLAY
if (h = findsample(arg0, bs->toph))
// return ok if sample is already playing
if ((h->out1) || (h->out2)) return (0);
// get settings, if sent.. (times, volume, speed
get_args (h, bs, arg1, arg2, arg3);
if (h->reload) // reload big samples before replaying
reload (h);
if (playsound (h, DOSBase, SysBase))
ret = 0;
case SOUND : // -------- SOUND - load,play,quit
if (!(h = loadsample (arg0, bs)))
return (10);
initsample (h, "SOUND", bs);
// get settings, if sent.. (times, volume, speed)
get_args (h, bs, arg1, arg2, arg3);
h->killflag = 1; // mark it for deletion
if (playsound (h, DOSBase, SysBase))
ret = 0;
else // if failed to play, kill immediately
{ remlink (h);
freehandle (h);
case VOLUME : // -------- VOLUME
if (h = findsample(arg0, bs->toph))
{ if (arg1) // get volume
{ if ((StrToLong (arg1, &num)) > 0)
{ if (num < 0) num = 64;
else if (num > 64) num = 64;
h->volume = num;
if (setVolSpeed(h)) ret = 0;
} } }
case SPEED : // -------- SPEED
if (h = findsample(arg0, bs->toph))
{ if (arg1) // get speed
{ if ((StrToLong (arg1, &num)) > 0)
{ if ((num > 124) && (num < 1000))
h->speed = num;
else // use default
h->speed = bs->clock / h->vh.vh_SamplesPerSec;
if (setVolSpeed(h)) ret = 0;
} } }
case TIMES : // -------- TIMES
if (h = findsample(arg0, bs->toph))
{ if (arg1) // get times - change only if small samp
{ if ((StrToLong (arg1, &num)) > 0)
{ if (num < 0) num = 0;
h->times = num;
ret = 0;
// how to change times ????
} } }
case INFO : // -------- INFO
if (h = findsample(arg0, bs->toph))
{ // store "volume speed" of sample into return buffer
stcl_d (bs->retbuff, h->volume);
strcat (bs->retbuff, " ");
stcl_d (&bs->retbuff[strlen(bs->retbuff)], h->speed);
ret = 0;
case STOP : // -------- STOP
// if no alias passed, stop all samples
if (!arg0 || !arg0[0])
{ ret = 0;
for (h = bs->toph; h; h = h->next)
{ // if msgs outstanding, abort
if (h->out1 || h->out2)
abortsound (h);
} }
else if (h = findsample(arg0, bs->toph))
{ ret = 0;
abortsound (h);
case QUIT : // -------- QUIT
--bs->users; // do not quit if there are still users..
if (bs->users > 0) return (0);
killall (bs);
return (-1); // return quit
}; // end of switch
return (ret);
// ===============================================================
// find the sample by alias, return handle or null
// ===============================================================
struct myhandle *findsample (char *alias, struct myhandle *toph)
struct myhandle *h;
if (!alias || !alias[0]) return (NULL);
makeupper (alias);
for (h=toph; h; h=h->next)
{ if (!strcmp (h->alias, alias))
{ return (h);
} }
return (NULL);
// ===============================================================
// get times/spped/volume
// use functions since it's called twice
// ===============================================================
void get_args (struct myhandle *h, struct base *bs,
UBYTE *arg1, UBYTE *arg2, UBYTE *arg3)
LONG num;
struct DosLibrary *DOSBase;
struct ExecBase *SysBase;
DOSBase=bs->dosbase; SysBase=bs->sysbase;
// get settings, if sent.. (times, volume, speed
if (arg1) // times
{ if ((StrToLong (arg1, &num)) > 0)
{ if (num < 0) num = 1;
h->times = num;
} }
if (arg2) // volume
{ if ((StrToLong (arg2, &num)) > 0)
{ if ((num < 1) || (num > 64)) num = 64;
h->volume = num;
} }
if (arg3) // speed - leave untouched if out of range
{ if ((StrToLong (arg3, &num)) > 0)
{ if ((num > 124) && (num < 1000))
h->speed = num;
else // use default
h->speed = bs->clock / h->vh.vh_SamplesPerSec;
} }
// ==============================================================
// killall
// abort and kill all samples (used in unload and quit)
// ==============================================================
void killall (struct base *bs)
struct myhandle *hh, *h;
for (h = bs->toph; h;)
{ // if no msgs outstanding, kill it
if ((!h->out1) && (!h->out2))
{ hh = h;
h = h->next;
remlink (hh);
freehandle (hh);
else // otherwise abort & mark
{ abortsound (h);
h->killflag = 1;
h = h->next;
} }
// ==============================================================
// makeret
// place "volume speed" into bs->msgret buffer
// ==============================================================
void makeret (struct myhandle *h)
struct base *bs;
struct DosLibrary *DOSBase;
struct ExecBase *SysBase;
bs = h->bs;
DOSBase=bs->dosbase; SysBase=bs->sysbase;
stcl_d (bs->retbuff, h->volume);
strcat (bs->retbuff, " ");
stcl_d (&bs->retbuff[strlen(bs->retbuff)], h->speed);
// ==============================================================
// convert string to UPPER case
// (since stricpm doesn't work without the startup code)
// ==============================================================
void makeupper (UBYTE *str)
if (!str) return;
while (*str)
{ if ((*str >= 'a') && (*str <= 'z')) *str -= 32;